How often should you change your whole home water filters? It’s a question why hear often, and there is no exact science to it because every home uses water differently. The time frame for replacement will depend on how many people are in the home, and how each one might use water.
What we can say though is that on average, your water filters should last from 9 to 18 months.
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The source and quality of your water and how much water you use will affect the lifespan of the filters in your whole home water filter solution. Our water in WA contains chlorine and sediment that gets removed from the water in the filtration process. There comes a time when the filters need to be replaced.
If you start noticing a change in water pressure, or if the water tastes different, it might be time to change the water filters. When the water filters have absorbed and caught as much sediment as possible, they become less effective. So keep an eye out for these signs.

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Being WA based has its advantages. It enables us to respond to your request for a replacement filtration cartridge as quickly as possible. It takes just minutes to do a complete replacement. You may not even need to replace all the filters with each service. Filter Solutions WA are on hand to assess your home water filtration system and identify what your filter requirement might be.

The cost of replacing your water filtration cartridge will depend on the type of system you have in place and your individual water usage. On average a filtration cartridge should last between 9 to 18 months. You may not even have to replace all the filters with each service. Filter Solutions WA are on hand to provide you with your ongoing cartridge requirements.
A filtration system typically will consist of 3 cartridges; a sediment cartridge, a carbon cartridge (to tackle the taste of your water) and a softener cartridge (to tackle the scale). All of these cartridges are easily interchangeable but we also offer supply and fit changes as per your usage requirements. The costs of a cartridge start at $85.

We want your home water filtration solution to last as long as possible. To this end, we follow a maintenance routine that preserves the life of your filtration solution. Your filter cartridges have a limited lifespan which will depend on the contaminant level and the amount of water you use.
When we perform a maintenance inspection we test each cartridge to determine if any or all need replacing. Sediment filters work hard, so it’s not uncommon for them to become clogged over time, which will affect your water pressure. Your carbon filters absorb contaminants from your water, so they will only last as long as they can still perform this function. Our maintenance routine includes sanitising your cartridges and ensuring the water pressure is right for your system.
A High level of sediment and chlorine and scale in your water can cause problems for the water-dependent appliances in your home. Our water filtration systems are designed to maintain a high flow rate, while removing unwanted particles (down to 5 microns), chlorine and organic matter to ensure scale prevention.
Our system also uses revolutionary technology to lower the PH level of your water through a process called chelation. Chelation conditions your water making it softer. Instead of removing calcium like traditional salt softeners, our system chelates (binds) and sequesters (isolates) the calcium ions, preventing them from precipitating out and forming scale.